Green Your Home With an Air Source Heat Pump in Scotland

In the current climate people are always looking to cut the cost of heating their home. The price of heating your home using traditional methods such as gas, oil and wood has risen in recent times.

One way of cutting costs is to install air source heat pumps in Scotland.

Not only will the installation of an air source heat pump help you reduce your heating costs over time, they also deliver a viable alternative to conventional heating options. The main function of an air source heat pump is to provide you with heat and hot water for your home.

This type of system allows homeowners in Scotland to make more efficient use of their gas and electricity, while maintaining an acceptable quality of life.

To acquire more information about our air source heat pumps in Scotland either complete our online enquiry form, or if you prefer call or team today.

Why People Are Choosing Air Source Heat Pumps in Scotland

An air source heat pump in Scotland is a cost-effective way to provide your home with heating. Rather than relying on gas or electricity they use heat from the air outside. Air Source heat pumps provide a clever solution when it comes to delivering warmth for any home.

If you are thinking about purchasing a heat pump for your home, here are several reasons why it could prove to be a shrewd investment.

Air source heat pumps are made up of two separate elements an air cooler and a heat pump. The purpose of the air cooler is to remove the heat from the air outside and then bring it into the house using the heat pump.

Not all heat pumps and air coolers are exactly the same. The most common models are those that feature a refrigeration cycle, however there are also models on the market using a vapour compression or desiccant cycle.

It is important you think about both location and climate before making a decision on which model is best for you, so give us a call on 0800 783 3373, and we will guide you.

What is an Air to Water Heat Pump

Air to water heat pumps are a useful tool when it comes to heating or cooling any property. For anyone living in a moderate climate installing an air to water heat pump is a great way of reducing your monthly energy costs.

The procedure starts when the system pulls in warm or cold air and pumps it through the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger then makes use of water to deliver either hot or cold air dependent on which system you are using.

As well as being extremely reliable the system can be scheduled to run without problems. When in operation an air to water heat pump runs silently meaning you can go about your business without being disturbed.

The team here at Green Home Systems are able to offer a wealth of advice when it comes to air source heat pumps in Scotland. Call us FREE, or fill in our simple enquiry form.

Air Source Heat Pump Installers in Scotland

Here at Green Home Systems our certified and knowledgeable team have extensive experience when it comes to air source heat pumps in Scotland. 

We are fully aware of the importance of installing this system correctly to ensure it operates efficiently. This is why many of our team hold specific accreditation for heat pump installation in Scotland.

Along with air source heat pumps our comprehensive range of home heating services also includes the installation of solar panels and home heating systems.

Here at Green Home Systems we pride ourselves on delivering workmanship of the highest standard. Any work we undertake will be done in a way that causes the minimum disruption to your home and daily routine.

You can discuss your requirements with our air source heat pump installers in Scotland by calling free phone number 0800 783 3373, or simply completing our online enquiry form, and we will get back to you asap.

Benefits of Air Source Heat Pumps in Scotland

  •  Air source heat pumps are very effective when it comes to providing your home with heating and hot water.
  • Air source heat pumps are equally energy efficient as more traditional forms of heating.
  • The lifespan of an air source heat pump is longer, and they are significantly easier to maintain
  • Air source heat pumps can be used all year round
  • Air source heat pumps are included in the government's home energy scheme (HES) as part of their environmentally friendly alternatives.

Funding for Air Source Heat Pumps in Scotland

The initial cost of an air source heat pump is more than a traditional gas or oil fired central heating system. However, the operating costs are significantly lower meaning you can soon recoup the extra initial outlay and continue to benefit from lower energy costs.
When you install an air sourced heat pump you will also be making a considerable reduction to your carbon footprint. Here at Green Home Systems the cost of an air source heat system can be anything from £4000 to £8000 dependent on the brand of pump and its heat output.
To get more detailed information give our team a call or complete our online form.Our air source heat pumps in Scotland qualify for a government funded scheme providing free home upgrades or a contribution dependent on individual circumstances, and installations can be done privately.
The government is offering energy efficient measures worth up to £5000 for homes and the installation of an air source heat pump in Scotland is covered by this.

Contact us to find out more about our Air Source Heat Pumps in Scotland.