Eco-Friendly Air Source Heat Pumps in Dundee

Virtually every homeowner is keen to discover a more affordable option for heating and energy. Over the past few years, the cost of using gas, oil, and wood for home heating has become significantly more expensive.

If you’re looking for ways to trim your energy bills, why not consider installing an air source heat pump in Dundee. When you install an air source heat pump in your home it will not only reduce costs, but also provide a sustainable substitute for conventional heating methods.

In fitting an air source heat pump, you’ll have access to both heating and hot water for your house. It allows homeowners to optimise their gas and electricity usage while still enjoying the standard of living they have been accustomed to.

Why Choose Air Source Heat Pumps In Dundee

If you want a renewable heating solution for your home, it’s worth exploring air source heat pumps in Dundee. Unlike gas or electricity, these pumps make use of external air to warm your living space.

Air-source heat pumps offer customers an inventive approach when it comes to heating their property.

An air source heat pump consists of two components: an air cooler and a heat pump. The air cooler extracts warmth from the air outside, and the pump then transfers it indoors, but not every heat pump and air cooler systems operate using the same method.

While most systems employ a refrigeration cycle, you also have the option of models using vapour compression or desiccant cycles.

Advantages of Solar Energy in Dundee

  • Renewable resource – solar energy is suited to continual use.
  • Environmentally Friendly – solar energy is clean and produces. No pollutants or emissions.
  • Quiet – Unlike other methods of generating energy. There is no noise associated with Solar energy
  • Flexible – Solar energy can be used for numerous purposes.
  • Efficient – Up to 20% of the sunlight received by solar panels can be converted into electricity.

The upfront cost of solar panels in Dundee can appear costly.

Our Green Home Systems team will get in touch with you as soon as possible to allay your concerns and respond to all of your pressing queries. Here at Green Home Systems our team understands the value of communication during the installation process.

How Does an Air Source Heat Pump Work?

Air source heat pumps are also known as air-to-water heat pumps. If you are looking for a cost effective way to heat or cool down your home, air-to-water heat pumps offer remarkable performance.

The installation of an air-to-water heat pump has the potential to significantly reduce your monthly energy consumption, especially in regions with milder climates.

This method involves the system drawing in warm or cool air, which is then pumped through a heat exchanger. Depending on which system you have chosen, the heat exchanger will then utilise water to either warm or cool the air.

These systems offer clients exceptional reliability, and can be effortlessly programmed ensuring seamless functionality. Operating in near silence, these heat pumps guarantee an absence of disruptive noise.

Air Source Heat Pump Installation in Dundee

At Green Home Systems, our skilled and certified team possesses extensive expertise in the installation of air source heat pumps in Dundee. Achieving optimal system performance is reliant on the installation being carried out correctly.

Because of this every member of our team is accredited for heat pump installations in Dundee. 

Our air source heat pumps complement our comprehensive array of home heating services, we also specialise in solar panel installations and home heating systems in the city of Dundee.

We take pride in the exceptional quality of our work at Green Home Systems, and any work conducted on your property will be carried out in a way that causes minimal disruption to you and your daily routine.

The Benefits of Air Source Heat Pumps in Dundee

  • The air-source heat pumps are an excellent choice for heating and providing hot water in your home.
  • They are just as energy efficient as other heating methods.
  • The lifespan of air source heat pumps is much longer, and they require little maintenance.
  • You can use air source heat pumps throughout the year.
  • The government's Home Energy Scheme (HES) includes air source heat pumps as a green energy alternative.

Funding for Air Source Heat Pumps in Dundee

The initial cost of an air source heat pump is more than a traditional gas or oil fired central heating system. However, the operating costs are significantly lower meaning you can soon recoup the extra initial outlay and continue to benefit from lower energy costs.

When you install an air sourced heat pump you will also be making a considerable reduction to your carbon footprint.

Here at Green Home Systems the cost of an air source heat system can be anything from £4000 to £8000 dependent on the brand of pump and its heat output. To get more detailed information give our team a call or complete our online form.

Our air source heat pumps in Scotland qualify for a UK government funded scheme providing free home upgrades or a contribution dependent on individual circumstances, and installations can be done privately.

The government is offering energy efficient measures worth up to £5000 for homes and the installation of an air source heat pump in Scotland is covered by this.

Contact us to find out more about our Air Source Heat Pumps in Dundee.