Green Home Systems has partnered with Edinburgh College to create new energy efficiency apprenticeships to meet the demand for net-zero.
Green Home Systems are expanding their Skills Academy in partnership with Edinburgh College.
This partnership is a commitment to delivering a sustainable workforce which meets the needs of the industry in helping achieve Scotland’s energy efficiency targets.
Green Home Skills Academy will be working with Edinburgh College to create this unique training and job creation opportunity within the construction industry.
The first cohort of students that will be training with Edinburgh College will begin in August 2021.
These students will have the opportunity to gain recognised qualifications in modules such as Cavity Walls, External Wall Insulation, and Cold and Warm Roof Insulation.
In addition to these modules, the students will also be able to gain core skills in Numeracy, ICT and Communications.
The Curriculum Manager of Construction at Edinburgh College, Garry Maxwell said, “We have the chance to enable an entire generation of skilled workers who will carry the country into an energy efficient future, with brilliant opportunities to excel in an ever-growing industry.
The opportunity that this partnership brings will be impactful on our promising students in developing their skills and upcoming careers.”
Green Home Systems recognise the importance of developing a long term, sustainable workforce that can deliver energy efficiency projects to the highest standards of excellence.
The Green Home Skills Academy works in close partnership with Skills Development Scotland and selected training providers to ensure that all staff receive the correct training to meet their own development needs.
“We understand the importance of upskilling and ongoing professional development within the construction industry”, said Alastair Macphie, Managing Director of Green Home Systems.
“We are looking forward to creating opportunities with this partnership for entrants of all ages as there is a serious skills shortages within the industry”.
Green Home Systems is an energy efficient company who are passionate about saving energy by providing services such as thermal insulation, smart heating systems, renewal energy technologies and electrical vehicle charge points to domestic properties.
Established in 2014, the green energy company has completed over 10,000 energy efficiency projects, lifted over 7,000 families out of fuel poverty and prevented more than 500,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions.